Scrum пираты карибского моря

Пираты Карибского моря

Пираты Карибского моря: Второстепенные персонажи

Всего персонажей — 39

Пиратский барон Чёрного моря. Аммана когда-то называли «Амман Корсар». Он был одним из Пиратских баронов, которые принимали участие в четвёртом совете братства, исходом которого было объявление войны Ост-Индской торговой компании.

Одна из главных героинь четвертого фильма, дочь легендарной Чёрной Бороды, бывшая возлюбленная капитана Джека Воробья, получила годы жизни отца благодаря обману Джека.

Женщина-пират, которая согласилась присоединиться к мистеру Гиббсу и Уиллу Тернеру за возможность противостоять Джеку Воробью за кражу её корабля. Она бьет его несколько раз, прежде чем Уилл вмешивается и обещает ей «Перехватчик» (корабль, который Джек «реквизировал» в погоне за Жемчужиной) в обмен на сотрудничество в пути. Неохотно, Анна-Мария соглашается. В конце концов, она милостиво позволяет Джеку стать капитаном Жемчужины. Она не появляется в дальнейших фильмах, и её окончательная судьба неизвестна. Возможно она во второй части была съедена каннибалами. Когда команда сидела в костяной клетке Тернер спросил: «А где остальные?», на что Гиббс ответил: «Вот, кости свежие, обглоданные».

Читайте также:  Железная дорога возле моря

Испанский капитан, попавший в дьявольский треугольник. Желает уничтожить всех пиратов, а также отомстить Джеку.

Пират из команды Барбоссы, боцман. Именно он велел Пинтелу и Раджетти нарядиться в женские платья, чтобы отвлечь противников.

Пират с «Мести Королевы Анны». Участвовал в плавании к Источнику Молодости. Присоединился к Барбоссе после смерти Черной Бороды.

Пират, барон Тихого Океана. Участвовала в четвертом заседании Совета братства, голосовала за себя при избрании короля пиратов. Предлагала остаться в Бухте Погибших кораблей во время атаки Беккета. Участвовала в битве против Катлера Беккета.

Обезьянка Барбоссы, которую он так прозвал в честь Джека Воробья, точнее, чтобы поглумиться над ним. Чересчур хитрый зверек.

Лейтенант Джиллетт — помощник командора Норингтона на Ямайке. Был замечен в первой части фильма когда командор Норингтон приказал заковать Джека Воробья. Позже был замечен во дворце короля Георга II в четвёртой части.

Блудница, обитающая на Тортуге. Давняя подружка Джека Воробья.

Пират, барон Атлантики. Участвовал в четвертом заседании Братского Суда, голосовал за себя при избрании короля пиратов. Был против освобождения Калипсо. Участвовал в битве против Катлера Беккета.

Девушка-астроном, отправившаяся с Джеком и Генри на поиски трезубца Посейдона.

Зомби из команды Чёрной Бороды. Плавал на корабле «Месть королевы Анны». Чёрная Борода его зомбировал, используя магию вуду. Этот зомби мог предсказывать будущее.

Немой пират в команде Джека Воробья. Лишен языка, так что вынужден иметь на своем плече попугая, говорящего за него.

Пират, проклятый службой у Дейви Джонсу. Формой головы напоминает акулу-молота. Является старпомом на «Летучем голландце». После смерти Джонса к нему вернулся прежний вид.

Один из английских гвардейцев с Ямайки. Служит вместе с Мертоггом. Часто спорят друг с другом. Изначально служили на Ямайке, после стали солдатами О.И.К.Т., а потом стали пиратами ичастью команды Гектора Барбоссы.

Пират-карлик из команды Джека Воробья. Носит с собой огромный пистолет, после отдачи которого отлетает на метр.

Один из английских гвардейцев с Ямайки. Служит вместе с Маллроем. Часто спорят друг с другом. Изначально служили на Ямайке, после стали солдатами О.И.К.Т., а потом стали пиратами ичастью команды Гектора Барбоссы.

Лысый пират из команды Гектора Барбоссы. Дружит с Раджетти — они неразлучны, всё делают вместе.

Одноглазый пират-блондин из команды Гектора Барбоссы, который вечно теряет свой вставной глаз. Дружит с Пинтелом — они не разлучны, всё делают вместе.

Пират с «Мести Королевы Анны», хорошо разбирается в технике. Участвовал в плавании к Источнику Молодости. Починил маяк в Пенной бухте. Во время атаки русалок с трепетом наблюдал за бедными товарищами — приманкой для бестий. Присоединился к Барбоссе после смерти Черной Бороды.

Русалка, жившая в Пенной Бухте. По легенде, слезы русалок нужны для ритуала Источника Молодости. Была захвачена командой «Мести Королевы Анны» во время атаки русалок. Пираты поместили ее в гигантский аквариум — так ее было удобнее нести через джунгли. Весь путь русалка испытывала унижения от команды, только юный миссионер Филип относился к ней, как к божьему созданию — приоткрыл крышку аквариума, когда она умирала от недостатка воздуха, понес ее, когда неуклюжие зомби разбили аквариум, дал ей имя — Сирена.

Блудница, обитающая на Тортуге. Давняя подружка Джека Воробья.

Веселый пират, умеющий играть на украинской бандуре. Правда, он знает только одну песню, и то — от лица женщины. Нанимается на «Месть Королевы Анны». Некоторое время спустя нанимает матросов в Лондоне в пабе «Капитанская Дочка». Никто ему не говорит о том, что «Месть» держит курс к Источнику Молодости. Плененный Черной Бородой Джек Воробей сообщает, что впереди их ждет гибель. Поэтому Скрам принимает участие в бунте. По счастливой случайности его не наказывают. После он служит приманкой для русалок в Пенной бухте, где его очаровывает русалка Тамара. Но несмотря на смертоносность русалок, он все же выживает. Хотя он никогда не забудет о своем приключении. Идя сквозь джунгли, Скрам несет аквариум с русалкой. Он совершенно несогласен с такой участью. Потому он только рад крушению аквариума. В пещере Источника он помогает Джеку забраться в ручей святой воды, находящийся на потолке пещеры. Позже участвует в битве у Источника, помогая Анжелике выполнить ритуал. После смерти Черной Бороды присоединился к Гектору Барбоссе.

Пиратский барон Индийского океана и Аравийского моря. Шри Сумбаджи был одним из многих, кто собрались на заседание Четвертого Совета Братства. Голосовал за себя при избрании пиратского короля. Участвовал в битве при Мальстрёме.

Сяо Фэнь — Сингапурский пиратский барон от Южно-Китайского моря. Отсиживается в своей «бане» (так назвала его логово Элизабет Суонн в начале фильма «На краю света») в Сингапуре. С начала фильма известно, что его дядя владел навигационными картами, которые пригодятся для путешествия на край Света в Пиратах Карибского моря: На краю Света и нахождения источника молодости в Пиратах Карибского моря: На странных берегах. Умирает и перед смертью отдаёт своё песо Элизабет Суонн думая, что она и есть Калипсо.

Старком и главный помощник Сяо-феня. Признал Элизабет Суонн новым капитаном когда Сяо-Фень погиб. Позже стал капитаном корабля Сяо-Феня.



Blue (one half glass eye)

Scrum was a crafty, mandola-playing Machiavellian pirate. Hardly the sharpest sword in the scabbard, Scrum made up for his life with a natural-born talent for music, and duplicity.

Known for his cheery spirits and slow wits, Scrum joined the crew of the Queen Anne’s Revenge, where he would serve under the infamous pirate Blackbeard. During the quest for the Fountain of Youth, Scrum was torn between his duty to Angelica and his admiration for Jack Sparrow. Although he was a scurvy soul, Scrum betrayed a weakness for those scintillating sirens of the sea, the mermaids. Scrum would continue living a pirate’s life aboard the Revenge until he joined Jack Sparrow’s crew aboard the Dying Gull.


Biography [ edit | edit source ]

Early life [ edit | edit source ]

Not much is known about Scrum’s past, but it is known that he was born in London, [2] as the son of a prostitute and an unknown man. [4] At some point in his life, Scrum learned how to play the mandola. For his playing, his mother said that it brought a tear to her eye, and Scrum later attempted to seduce a Berber princess with his musical talent. However, she was already betrothed to another Berber man, and Scrum fled. [3]

Piracy [ edit | edit source ]

At some point in his pirate career, Scrum would have sailed with a beautiful female pirate named Angelica, but with no knowledge that her father was the infamous pirate Blackbeard. Scrum was a notable pub regular in the Captain’s Daughter, a pub located in London, where he’d tell tales that stir hearts up to bravery that they may well regret. [5] He was mostly known to provide entertainment while playing the mandola to the patrons. [6]

Quest for the Fountain of Youth [ edit | edit source ]

Jack Sparrow [ edit | edit source ]

In the mid-18th century, Scrum would have met with Angelica in London. Because of their previous time together, he would assist her in recruiting a number of sailors and pirates at the Captain’s Daughter, promising them a modest venture sailing under Jack Sparrow. However, while wooing wenches in the tavern by playing My Jolly Sailor Bold with his mandola, the real Jack Sparrow appeared questioning of his recruiting a crew. Thinking he was an imposter, Scrum made fun of Jack after the latter asked «Do you have any idea who I am, mate?», saying that he forgot his own name, in which the crew laughed at Jack. [6]

Soon afterwards, the Royal Guards arrived to the Captain’s Daughter and alerted their presence to Angelica, who was confronted by Jack. Scrum attempted to barricade the door to avoid dealing with the Guards, but ran right before they bursted in. As Jack and Angelica fought the guards, Scrum escaped the building. He would later meet with Angelica, who was able to get Jack unconscious, and made their way to Angelica’s ship. [6]

Aboard the Queen Anne’s Revenge [ edit | edit source ]

About five days into the voyage, Scrum woke Jack Sparrow up to work aboard the Queen Anne’s Revenge, which brought the surprised Jack into realizing he was aboard the ship of Blackbeard. While doing their duties, mopping and scrubbing the deck, Scrum befriended Jack (after learning that he was the real Sparrow) aboard while showing him the ropes around the Revenge. He told Jack of Blackbeard’s zombie officers as well as Philip Swift’s imprisonment aboard. Scrum later met with Jack and some of the other crewmen, who were not satisfied with sailing under Angelica and her zombie crew, and took part in Jack’s mutiny aboard the Revenge. He and the other crewmen were convinced by Jack to mutiny as they were heading for certain death at the Fountain of Youth. [6]

Knowing that they were to face certain death unless they took the ship, Scrum told the crew to take the ship, though the crew didn’t do so until Jack himself said it. In the fight, Scrum dueled with many of the zombie crewmen. Jack’s crew were almost victorious until Blackbeard himself came out of his cabin. Blackbeard, in response to being told that this was a mutiny, hung all of the crewmen, including Scrum, with the rigging of the Queen Anne’s Revenge. Scrum and the rest of the crewmen were let down to witness the Cook’s punishment for their actions. [6]

Whitecap Bay [ edit | edit source ]

Scrum almost kissed by Tamara.

As the search continued, the pirates were led to Whitecap Bay, in search of a mermaid’s tear for the Profane Ritual. Scrum was put in one of the various longboats, and the spotlight from the tower was cast on his boat. He, with Philip, Purser, Ezekiel, Cabin Boy, Derrick, and a few other pirates, were ordered to sing by Gunner, in order to lure the mermaids. [6]

As the first mermaid, named Tamara, arrived, she asked if Scrum was the one who was singing. He said yes, and wanted a kiss. The others tried to hold him back, but Scrum insisted he would have a kiss from a proper mermaid. Tamara then started to sing, making other mermaids show up, and then lured Scrum underwater, where he saw her true form. Scrum screamed as Tamara tried to attack, only to be warded off by Ezekiel, who hit her with an oar. The mermaids then attacked. Scrum’s boat was destroyed and he was caught in the net by the rest of the crew, mistaken for a mermaid. When they unraveled the net, all they saw was a lovestruck Scrum. [6]

Fight at the Fountain [ edit | edit source ]

Scrum and Angelica fighting against Jack Sparrow.

With a mermaid captured, the crew proceeded to the fountain. Once there, Hector Barbossa and his own crew came to kill Blackbeard. As the fight commenced, Angelica had Scrum follow her to the Fountain. With the Chalices, and the tear, Angelica and Scrum had to face Jack, who wanted the items. An interesting switch occured and Scrum was left to continue fighting others. [6]

Between Quests [ edit | edit source ]

When Barbossa fatally wounded Blackbeard, he claimed his sword, ship, and crew for himself. Scrum and the other surviving members of Blackbeard’s crew followed him back to the Queen Anne’s Revenge, where Scrum witnessed Barbossa’s usage of Blackbeard’s sword to make the ship sail at a fast speed to Tortuga. [6]

After an unknown amount of time serving aboard the Revenge, Scrum joined Jack Sparrow and his crew on the Dying Gull. [4]

Quest for the Trident of Poseidon [ edit | edit source ]

Leaving Jack [ edit | edit source ]

Marty, Gibbs, and Scrum prepare to steal the vault from the bank.

Under Jack Sparrow’s command Scrum participated in multiple failed crimes, the most notable of which was the robbery of the bank of Saint Martin, in which all they procured was a single coin. After Jack informed the crew that they had to pay him for the failure, his entire crew, including Scrum, lost all faith in their Captain and abandoned him. [4]

Rescuing Jack [ edit | edit source ]

Shortly after their separation a young man named Henry Turner, the son of William Turner, paid them to save their ex-captain from the guillotine, as well as a young woman named Carina Smyth from being hanged. This led to a battle between soldiers and pirates, with Scrum going in search of the woman. He restrained and defeated a soldier with the help of Carina, who was still standing on the gallows, but accidentally activated the trap door meant to result in her death. Luckily, she was caught by Henry before the crew escaped the area. [4]

Mutiny [ edit | edit source ]

After the escape, the crew went in search of the Trident of Poseidon, not knowing why their re-appointed captain was interested in doing so. The Trident could be found with Diary of Galileo Galilei, which was in possession of Carina Smyth and despite initially being denied help, they managed to help. However, when the crew discovered that they were being pursued by a ghost ship crewed by the dead, they immediately aimed their guns at Jack in frustration, which Jack then decides to call upon mutiny, having Henry Turner and Carina Smyth join him on a rowboat. The mutiny ended up putting Joshamee Gibbs as the captain. [4]

Becoming «Captain» [ edit | edit source ]

The soldiers on the Essex beat Scrum.

Shortly afterwards, Gibbs discovered that the Royal Navy warship Essex were following the Gull with the intent to arrest them. Wanting to avoid severe punishment, Gibbs lied to Scrum that Jack had named Scrum as captain, Scrum briefly pondered on this but accepted the role as he expressed joy at this. Soon the ship was boarded and the soldiers gave the unwitting Scrum a beating and locked the crew in the brig. However, the crew managed to pick the lock and escape using a nail torn from Scrum’s foot, despite his protests. [4]

Service on the Pearl [ edit | edit source ]

The crew fled in a boat, as Scrum pouts about his lost toenail before Gibbs discovered that the Black Pearl had been returned to its natural state and sailing again. Seeing the opportunity, the excited crew quickly made their way to the vessel and Scrum joined the crew in fighting off Salazar and his undead crew who soon retreated after the Pearl reached Black rock island. [4]

Scrum greets Jack Sparrow.

Scrum stayed aboard the ship while Barbossa, Jack and Carina transversed the island to locate the trident. After the destruction the Trident of Poseidon, which caused all the curses of the sea to be undone; the walls of the sea started closing in on the tomb threatening to drown all left inside. Barbossa had the crew lowered the anchor with him on it to save everyone and made the decision to sacrifice himself to save his daughter. Upon learning of his former captain’s demise, Scrum held his hat down in respect. [4]

Afterwards Scrum joined the crew of the Black Pearl in accepting Jack as their captain again, his faith in Jack was restored as he was shown following his orders with no problem as the ship sailed off. [4] Scrum’s further fate is unknown.

Personality and traits [ edit | edit source ]

Scrum was a crafty pirate known for his cheery spirits, and slow wits. [7] A Machiavellian pirate, Scrum was never loyal to anyone, as he would go anywhere there’s a pound note and a job involved. His quirks included having a huge scar around his face near his right eye, which was a slightly glass eye as he only got half an eye. [8] If brains were the true measure of a man, Scrum would be even more diminutive than he already was. Scrum makes up for his dull edge with a natural-born talent for music and duplicity. [9]

During the quest for the Fountain of Youth, Scrum was torn between his duty to Angelica, whom he sailed with before, and his admiration for Jack Sparrow. He seemed to have given up on them once he joined Hector Barbossa, who became the new captain of the Queen Anne’s Revenge after killing Blackbeard. However, Scrum would go back to join Jack’s crew once a year passed. A scurvy little soul, Scrum betrayed a weakness for those scintillating sirens of the sea, the mermaids. [9]

Equipment and skills [ edit | edit source ]

As a pirate, Scrum had many skills, whether he was a fighter or lover. Given that he owned a sword with half-basket hilt, which protected his hand, Scrum was a fair sword fighter, having survived many fatal encounters. Scrum was also talented in playing stringed instruments, such as the mandola, even though its eight strings were all out of tune. On his neck, Scrum wore a necklace that included a whistle and a lucky shark’s tooth. [7] Among other items he had on his person was the spine of a large friend he had to eat, a ring for a prostitute he asked to marry but she had refused, and the jawbone of his dog which had the use of an eating utensil, sewing, a weapon, and digging. [10]


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